By working together, co-parents can minimize stress and create a positive holiday experience for their children, helping them feel loved and supported despite the family separation. Families who follow these dos and don’ts can make this festive time truly merry.

Embarking on a journey of self-care during a divorce is essential for maintaining your mental and emotional health. This article, courtesy of Allen Gabe Law, P.C., delves into the profound impact of self-care strategies that can help weather this difficult phase.

In the State of Illinois, the best interests of the child are always the top consideration when determining parenting time and parenting responsibilities.  In this guide, we cover what you can expect from child custody laws and the latest about these laws in Illinois. 

In the midst of child custody disputes, high conflict couples are riddled with anger and fear—which in no way help them reach agreeable solutions. Mediation, arbitration and, in rare instances, informal negotiations, can help these couples resolve child custody disputes.

Before the divorce can be legalized in the state of Illinois, certain requirements must be met, such as residency and others. See FAQ on how to file for a divorce in Illinois.

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