On many occasions, the Christmas party is followed by the “divorce party”. In the United States, January is the peak time for divorce filings, giving the first month of the year the nickname Divorce Month. Divorce attorneys are inundated at the turn of the year with a surge of cases.

It is important to ask the right questions during your first meeting with a divorce attorney to ensure that they are the best fit for your case. 

It is important for parents to handle breaking the news of a divorce to their children delicately to keep a positive relationship with them and reassure them that they are still loved by both parents.

Infidelity is a major problem among American married couples as some studies have found that at least 40 percent of marriages involve adultery from one or both partners.  Adultery can bring a lot of pain and suffering to a family and in most cases, it even leads to divorce.  When a married couple goes through…

Laws surrounding spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, have recently undergone major changes when it comes to taxation. According to current Illinois law, recipients of spousal support no longer need to claim it as income, and payors may no longer deduct alimony on tax forms. Alimony is awarded to one spouse during or…

The timeline for finalizing a divorce in Illinois varies significantly. Factors that determine how quickly a divorce is settled include whether or not the divorce is uncontested or contested. Divorces that fall into the latter category take substantially longer to settle. What is an uncontested divorce? An uncontested divorce occurs when both spouses agree on…

After divorce, if one spouse makes significantly less money than the other, they are generally entitled to spousal support or maintenance. This type of maintenance is terminated once an ex-spouse remarries. The situation is less straightforward if an ex-spouse receiving maintenance cohabits with someone new. Read on to learn more…

Dealing with the divorce proceeding can be somewhat of a balancing act as you should have your own plan to protect yourself and your assets, yet you don’t want to be overly aggressive and turn the divorce into a long legal battle.The following are important steps you should take as part of the divorce planning process.

Did you know that divorces are at their highest in August? Are you able to salvage your marriage or is it just not possible given your situation? Here’s how to get through the summertime and divorce to make your transition a little smoother. Late summer can be great for enjoying vacations, barbecues, and seeing family…

As you go through the divorce proceeding and get used to your life after the divorce, follow these tips to make this transition easier for your children.

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